“Best of Beverly Hills” Property Manager Reveals Strategies Any Landlord Can Use To Increase Income 30%, Find Better Tenants, And Minimize Property Damage - All While Reducing Stress

Based on Nearly 2 Decades Managing Property in Beverly

Hills, Oakland, Malibu, South Central, LA and even out

to Charlotte, NC…

If you’re a landlord, you know that there are so many more ways for you to lose money than to make money.

Tenants moving out and having to pay thousands for repairs, even worse having to evict a tenant could cost you up to $10,000…you pay your property managers huge fees even though most of the time it feels like you’re doing all the work.

No one ever shows up to a BBQ or a party bragging about what a great tenant they have and how easy it is to manage property. You only hear the horror stories. That’s because managing rental property is hard, and stressful but the good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way!

Hey there, I am McGhie Allan and after nearly 2 decades in this business I have developed a comprehensive system to solve these problems and many others that landlords face. I have managed properties in some of the most dynamic and competitive markets in the world and at this point I’ve pretty much seen it all. From managing estates for billionaires in Bel Air to having tenants show up to my house wanting to fight me. I have rented homes to A-List celebrities and I also had to reject a potential tenant who was on “America’s Most Wanted”.


The system I have created gives you, the landlord, more confidence to handle difficult tenants, provides the knowledge to earn and keep more of your money and delivers the tools to help you get your life back.

I know the stress of managing your property can be overwhelming.

Your phone is ringing in the middle of the night when your tenants water heater broke and is flooding the property and you can’t reach a plumber.

You have your regular full time job, you want to spend more time with your family and your hobbies and other things that you want to be doing.

Jumping through hoops to deal with your tenants complaints and property maintenance is distracting you from what you want to be doing and how you want to be spending your time.

I know you are worried about evictions and how a bad tenant can destroy your finances and your property

"I remember a client who had a tenant that forged his entire application and immediately stopped paying rent as soon as he moved in."

Even though he forged everything on his application, he stayed there for seven months without paying rent before they could get him out.

The uncertainty of what is waiting on the other end of that phone call, and if you have the tools and resources to deal with it, can be scary.

That’s why I put together this step by step program to teach you a system to run your rental property like an actual, organized business – with detailed video lessons, items you need to include in your lease to protect yourself, lease addendums, templates, and other helpful resources.

The unique processes and procedures that I teach in this course have been developed over many years and will give you the tools to manage your property with the knowledge and strategies of a pro. If you are ready to start making more money on your rental and getting your life back, click the button below to get started.

Your best path to making more money, finding better tenants, and reducing the stress of managing your property…

Is probably not what you think it is.

Whether you’re a new landlord or a seasoned investor and want to:

  • Protect yourself from evictions and non payment of rent …

  • Minimize tenant issues and protect against property damage…

  • Have more time for yourself and the things that are important to you while making more money on your rental…

The surprising, and counterintuitive path to getting there is actually…

Managing Your Own Property!

I know, I know, but what about:

  • Maintenance issues and costly repairs?

  • Tenant complaints and non-payment of rent?

  • Marketing my property and finding the right tenant?

The reality is: self-managing your property can be more lucrative, more peaceful, and easier than you might think… But only if you follow the right system. And there is a clear path to getting there.

But do you know what that path looks like?

If you’re like most landlords I know, the answer is no.

You probably know that there is a better way to manage your property, but what IS that better way? There are so many issues to consider that most landlords feel paralyzed, unsure where to turn or what to do. You are afraid of making the wrong move and costing yourself time and money.

So how can you make more money on your rental with less stress without making it a full time job or wasting money on a property manager?

Step 1 is realizing that:

Effective Property Management is Simply a Set of Systems!

And when systems are set-up and implemented effectively, it’s all smooth sailing. You don’t have to worry about late night maintenance calls, or finding a good tenant, or damage to your property. You get peace of mind, time with family, more money in your pocket. In short, you get your life back!

Yes, some aspects of managing your property are more complex and intimidating than others but success in one area depends directly on your ability to be successful in the others. They are all interconnected. If you don’t have a system to screen a tenant or know what to include in a lease, then it doesn’t matter that you know a great handyman.

Which leads us to Step 2 which is accepting that…

You have control over these systems and whether you will use them to get your life back! Pretty straightforward, right?

The tricky part is: you have to focus on the right problems, in the right order, with the right skill set.

Otherwise you’ll end up doing what so many other landlords do: fixing one problem inside one system while two other problems pop up elsewhere. You end up playing “whack-a-mole” as problems arise instead of implementing a proactive strategy to solve your problems ahead of time.

In nearly two decades of experience, I’ve narrowed it down to 8 critical categories that lead to less evictions, reduced stress, and more of your time and money back.

But the #1 system that you MUST start with is:


As a rental property owner, everything you do and the decisions you make, starting on day 1, affects your experience as a landlord, whether you like it or not.

If you’re not doing things the right way, in the right order then your system will break down, your profits will suffer, liability will increase and your rental properties performance will be nowhere near optimal…

That’s why it’s so critical to address each system in your rental business in the right order. It’s the only way to become a stress free landlord and make more money without you having to put out fires day-in and day-out.

Not Just a Step by Step Process, But a Framework

I don’t just go into the step-by-step process of becoming a stress-free landlord inside the course.

Yes, there’s a lot of common challenges and problems you’ll face that I go over inside the course.

And yes, there are detailed explanations, guides, and instructions inside the course on which systems to focus on first and how to address the most common and important property management challenges.

But that is not enough.

Property management is filled with ambiguous, one of a kind situations, where you have to make a quick decision…which is exactly where frameworks come in.

Each module has answers to the questions and scenarios that keep you up at night. Detailed strategies to protect yourself and your investment using stories, examples, and questions for you to think about when you’re faced with your own property management challenges.

This way you’ll not only have everything you need to solve your current problems, but also the confidence to systematically tackle anything else you’ll face.

Here’s What’s Inside:

Each lesson is in full video format, containing direct instruction, stories and examples

based on many years in the property management business.



Discover why I created this system and how it will benefit you!

The perfect introduction to your new way of thinking.



Common mistakes landlords make, and how NOT to make them!

How to set the priorities for your property and meet your financial and lifestyle goals.

Discover the systems needed to make your life easier and your property more profitable.



Fool proof ways to protect yourself and your assets.

A shocking case study on why you need to create separation between you and your rental business.

Simple strategies to reduce your exposure to liability claims.



Secret process to reduce evictions – and no, it’s not just running a credit check.

Top ways to create effective rental listings – that aren’t “post better pictures”

Why listing your rental for “top dollar” is not always the best strategy.



Expert strategies for writing an ironclad lease.

Why Landlords not including these 3 things in the lease costs them money.

Top terms and clauses to protect yourself and your property.



Why collecting rent can actually become a problem.

The record keeping system that allows you to stay organized and in compliance.



The simple strategy I used to handle maintenance issues even when it’s an emergency.

Mistakes landlords make when dealing with vendors.

Top ways to save time and money on property maintenance.



Powerful techniques for dealing with a difficult tenant.

Top strategies to keep good tenants and reduce vacancies.

Expensive mistakes Landlords make with the security deposit and how to avoid them.

Success Stories

McGhie’s system has been benefiting me for almost a decade. The principles and strategies in his program have dramatically reduced my stress level and provided solutions to the problems I was having with my rental properties. It has made things so much easier for me.

Dody Dorn, Academy Award Nominated

Film Editor

I have been using McGhies system for years on very different types of properties. The advice and guidance he provides works for every type of rental. The high level strategies mixed with real world, actionable steps to increase income has been extremely beneficial.

Ryan Kwantan, Actor, HBO’s True Blood

Having been in the real estate business for many years, I have seen my fair share of horror stories when it comes to rentals and property management. McGhie is the real deal and the systems he has developed makes life so much easier for me and my clients!

Shelton Wilder, Celebrity Realtor

Simply put, I have seen McGhies system in action.

It works!

Kirk Morrison, Former NFL Player, current -TV Analyst

I was able to break a record for the most expensive property ever rented in my market with this system!

Leah Qin – Investor

About Your Instructor

McGhie Allan

McGhie Allan began his career in the property management industry in 2002. He has managed property in the most dynamic and complicated markets in the country. In 2015, he founded a luxury residential management company in Beverly Hills that soon after was named the “Best of Beverly Hills”.

He has worked with the most demanding and accomplished clients and tenants in the industry, renting to and for A-List celebrities, High Net Worth Individuals and business and community leaders. He has perfected his property management system throughout the course of his career and the strategies contained in his program are effective for every type of rental.

Applying the same strategies and principles developed for some of Hollywood’s best to your own rental will give you the confidence to manage your property like a pro.

Choose the Right Option for You

Ground Floor


(3 payments of $117)

  • Lifetime Access to the Complete Course

  • Lifetime access to all 24 video lessons

  • Landlord/tenant resource links

  • Money back guarantee



(3 payments of $217)

  • Lifetime Access to the Complete Course

  • Lifetime access to all 24 video lessons

  • Landlord/tenant resource links Lifetime Access to digital downloads of Proprietary addendums, Move In/Out

  • Checklist, Tenant move out guidelines, Home Inspection template, Vendor worksheet, Pet Addendum and Pool Addendum

  • 2 Group coaching sessions

  • Access to private FB community – Beginning 1/1/24

  • Money back guarantee



(3 payments of $365)

  • Lifetime Access to the Complete Course

  • Lifetime access to all 24 video lessons

  • Landlord/tenant resource links Lifetime. Access to digital downloads of Proprietary addendums, Move In/Out

  • Checklist, Tenant move out guidelines, Home Inspection template, Vendor worksheet, Pet Addendum and Pool Addendum

  • 2 Group coaching sessions

  • Access to private FB community – Beginning 1/1/24

  • (3) 30 minute 1×1 sessions

  • Money back guarantee

Addendums and Forms ONLY

  • Proprietary addendum to the lease agreement

  • Move In Checklist

  • Move Out Checklist

  • Tenant move out guidelines

  • Home Inspection template

  • Vendor worksheet

  • Pet Addendum

  • Pool Addendum

Satisfaction Guarantee

30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! I know the material in this course works and works well…

but I also know you can’t know that for sure until you’re inside the course. That’s why you can join now,

watch the videos, do the exercises, and go through the process for 30 days… and if after you

complete the course, you are unsatisfied for any reason just email us for a full refund.


Do I need a real estate license to benefit from this course?

NO! This course capitalizes on the knowledge and experiences of a licensed Real Estate Broker so that you don’t have to be one yourself!

Who is this course for?

This course is for anyone who currently owns or is considering owning residential rental property of all types. It is for landlords and future landlords wanting to earn more money, find better tenants and reduce evictions, with less stress while managing their single-family home, condo, townhome or apartment building.

Are payment plans available?

Yes! The course is discounted with payment in full but installment payment options are available with three payments.

How do I know this course will work for me?

This course is based on decades of experience and seeing what works and doesn’t work for landlords. While I can’t guarantee that this course will 100% work for every single person who takes it, I’m confident that if you actually implement what you discover inside this course you’ll have everything you need to manage your property like a Pro!

How long will this course take to complete?

This course was designed as a resource to be used continuously, not something you take once and never come back to. It was created as a tool you can come back to over and over again as you progress through different stages / needs of the rental process.

Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes! If you’re unhappy with the course for any reason after completing it, just email us within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.